An end date is set for humanity and the world as we know it. When is that day? No man knows the day or hour, yet it remains fixed in the Father’s decree.

Just as sure as I am that the world will one day end, I’m equally confident that for me and all who trust in Christ, there is no end. That’s the essence of eternal life. Physical death may sweep us away in some calamity, or by some natural process of sickness and decay, and yet, the Christian lives on.

Christians seem a little too worried these days.

Knowing what we know from Scripture, and knowing the One who knows us better than we know ourselves, why is it that we cannot remember what is true about death and the end? Maybe we remember it as a matter of head knowledge, but it’s disconnected from out hearts. We don’t often live like we believe it.

The recent eclipse came and went, and many were in a panic. The pre-tribulation rapture got more time in the limelight, while doomsday and prophecy “experts” hit record high numbers on their YouTube channels. For some reason or another, fear has a stronghold on too many believers.

Here is what is true…

  1. The Father sent Jesus to this broken world to live a perfect life on our behalf.
  2. Being perfectly innocent, Jesus chose to lay his life down as a ransom and a sacrifice; He died so that we might live.
  3. Before breathing His last breath on the cross He cried “IT IS FINISHED!” He did everything that needed to be done to pay for a sinner’s reconciliation to God.
  4. Though dead and buried in a tomb for thee days, He did not stay dead. He arose in victory over sin, Satan, and death.
  5. All who believe in Him today by faith, trusting Him fully, share in His death, burial, and resurrection. By faith, He imputes His righteous record to our account.
  6. Because He died for sin, by faith we die to our sin. Because He is risen, we are new creations in Christ. When He ascended in victory, He said He would return some day and make things perfectly right.

We live in a space between His ascension and future return. Nevertheless, rather than worrying ourselves with times and seasons that are fixed, let us cling to what we know. For the child of God, there is no end. Not only is our spirit eternal, but when He does return, the decay that is all around us will be no more. There will be no more trace of it. The bodies of all believers will be risen, made new and perfect, and reunited with our spirit to live forever in His presence in a new world.

How long do you have? Only God knows. Keep advancing His Kingdom to the glory of King, Jesus!

“World without end, Amen”

Life without end, Amen!

“and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:26

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